Skeletal Organization, Bone and Bone Markings
Organization of skeleton
Axial Skeleton
Hyoid bone
Ribs and Sternum
Appendicular Skeleton
Upper Appendicular
Shoulder girdle - clavicle and scapula
Arms - humerus, ulna, radius
Hands and Fingers - carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
Lower Appendicular
Pelvic girdle - coxa
Thighs - femur
Legs - tibia and fibula
Feet and Toes - tarsala, metatarsals, phalanges
General organization of bone
Diaphysis - the shaft of a bone, composed mainly of dense bone
Epiphysis - the heads of a bone, composed mainly of spongy bone
Articular Cartilage - covering at end of the epiphysis, composed of Hyaline cartilage
Marrow Cavity - open interior of a bone, lined by the endosteum
Endosteum - lining of the marrow cavity, composed of: an epithelial cellular layer with Osteoblasts and Osteoclasts
Bone Marrow - adipose tissue and hemopoietic tissue in marrow cavity
Periosteum - covering around the outside of a bone, composed of Dense Irregular (Fibrous) Connective Tissue
Joint Capsule - continuation of the periosteum around a joint
Ligaments - continuation of the periosteum that connects bone to bone, composed of dense regular connective tissue
Tendons - continuation of the periosteum that connects bone to muscle, composed of dense regular connective tissue
Bone Markings
projections or elevations where tendons and ligaments attach
perforations or depressions where blood vessels and nerves pass
Process - any projection or bump
Ramus - an extension making an angle
attachments for tendons or ligaments
Trochanter - large, rough projection
Tuberosity - smaller, rough projection
Tubercle - small, round projection
Crest - prominent ridge
Line - low ridge
for joints
Head - expanded articular end
Condyle - smooth, rounded articular process
Trochlea - smooth, grooved articular process
Facet - small, flat articular process
Spine - pointed process
Fossa - shallow depression
Sulcus - narrow grove
Foramen - rounded passageway
Fissure - cleft
Meatus - canal
Sinus - chamber
© David G. Ward, Ph.D. Last modified by wardd 23 May, 2006