Hormones and Reproduction
Hormones and Male Reproduction
stimulated by FSH
Testosterone production by interstitial cells
stimulated by LH (ICSH - interstitial cell stimulating hormone)
Hormones and Female Reproduction
Follicular development
stimulated by FSH
Estrogen production by follicular cells
stimulated by FSH
Actions of estrogen
stimulates rebuilding of the functional zone of endometrium
influences sexual behavior
stimulated by LH
Conversion of the Graafian follicle to the corpus luteum
stimulated by LH
Progesterone production by luteal cells
stimulated by LH
Actions of Progesterone
stimulates enlargement of uterine glands in the functional zone of the endometrium
prevents menses
Menstrual cycle
the chorion of the forming placenta produces HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
HCG stimulates the corpus luteum and progesterone production continues; menses does not occur
© David G. Ward, Ph.D. Last modified by wardd 23 May, 2006