Neuron Physiology and Spinal Reflexes
Transmembrane Potential
Resting Potential - at this transmembrane potential an equilibrium exists between the electrochemical forces and the sodium-potassium exchange pump
Membrane Channels
Passive Channels - always open and permit leakage of ions
Gated Channels - open or close in response to specific stimuli
Chemically Regulated Channels - open or close in response to binding to specific extracellular chemicals
Voltage Regulated Channels - open or close in response to changes in the transmembrane potential
Generation of an action potential
An action potential occurs in response to a graded potential that leads to a threshold depolarization of the cell membrane, about -60 mV to -55 mV in an axon
activation of voltage regulated sodium channels
the threshold depolarization opens the sodium channels permits sodium ions to enter the cytoplasm, decreasing the transmembrane potential to about +30 mV
sodium channel inactivation
the decrease in transmembrane potential closes the sodium channels
activation of voltage regulated potassium channel
the decease in transmembrane potential opens the potassium channels and permits potassium to leave the cytoplasm, increasing the transmembrane potential toward -70 mV
return to normal permeability
repolarization of the membrane returns the sodium channels to their normal state (closed and capable of opening) and closes the potassium channels, leading to a brief hyperpolarization
Withdrawal reflexes (flexor reflex)
Lead to withdrawal of limb from a source of stimulation
Detection of stimulation by sensory neurons
triggered most prominently by painful stimuli
Stimulation of interneurons by the sensory neurons
excitatory interneurons and inhibitory neurons are stimulated by the sensory neurons
Excitation and Inhibition of motor neurons
flexor neurons are stimulated by the excitatory interneurons, leading to contraction of the flexor muscles (agonists)
extensor neurons are inhibited by the inhibitory interneurons, leading to relaxation of the extensor muscles (antagonists)
© David G. Ward, Ph.D. Last modified by wardd 23 May, 2006