Muscle Tissue and Muscle Contraction
Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Skeletal Muscle cells
Long cells with multiple nuclei - the cells are as long as the muscle and are arranged in parallel
the cells are connected side by side with fibrous connective tissue
Organization of skeletal muscles
Epimysium the dense irregular (fibrous) connective tissue arising from Tendons surrounding skeletal muscles
Fascicles bundles of skeletal muscle cells within the skeletal muscle
Perimysium - the dense irregular (fibrous) connective tissue surrounding the fascicles
Endomysium - the irregular (fibrous) connective tissu surrounding individual skeletal muscle cells
Organization of individual muscle cells (muscle fibers)
Sarcolemma the cell membrane of the muscle cell -
Motor End Plate - a specialized region of the sarcolemma for receiving signals from neurons
Thin filaments (the protein Actin) contractile proteins
Thick filaments (the protein Myosin) contractile proteins
Sarcoplasmic reticulum a structure similar to the endoplasmic reticulum surrounding bundles of contractile proteins
Contractile Proteins
Thin filaments
Actin Chain - wound strands of chains of actin molecules
Active Sites - binding sites on the actin molecules
Thick filaments
Myosin Chain - helical array of myosin molecules
Globular Heads (cross bridges) - enlarged end of myosin molecule that projects away from the center of the thick filament
the cross bridge acts as an ATPase, breaks down ATP, and stores the energy
Contraction cycle
generation of an action potential - the sarcolemma has the abilty to conduct an electrical impulse (excitable membrane). A massive change in membrane permeability leads to a depolarization that sweeps across the cell (the action potential.)
conduction of an action potential - the action potential is immediately conducted across the cell and travels down each of the transverse tubules to act on the sarcoplasmic reticulum
action on sarcoplasmic reticulum to release calcium - arrival of the action potential activates and opens calcium channels in the membrane of the sarcoplasmic reticulum, permitting release of the stored calcium
calcium binds to troponin molecule, moving the troponin-tropomyosin complex and exposing the active sites
myosin cross bridges bind to the active sitesusing the energy stored in the myosin molecule, the globular head pivots toward the center of the sarcomere (ADP and phosphate released)
cross bridges detach when the myosin head binds another ATP molecule
free myosin head breaks down the ATP, retaining the ADP and phosphate, and storing the energy
myosin cross bridges bind to the active sites and the cycle repeats until calcium concentration returns to normal (by way of active transport into the sarcoplasmic reticulum)
© David G. Ward, Ph.D. Last modified by wardd 23 May, 2006