Laboratory - Brain

Cranial meninges

dura mater, arachnoid and pia mater

dural sinuses - act as veins

falx cerebri - dura mater between cerebral hemispheres

tentorium cerebelli - dura mater between cerebellum and cerebrum



lateral ventricles - wing like spaces under cerebral hemispheres

third ventricle - slit like space in center of diencephalon

mesencephalic aqueduct (aqueduct of Sylvius, cerebral aqueduct)

fourth ventricle - space under cerebellum

choroid plexus - produces cerebrospinal fluid


Cerebrum - Cerebral Cortex

longitudinal fissure

central sulcus

frontal lobe - precentral gyrus (primary motor cortex)

parietal lobe.- postcentral gyrus (primary sensory cortex)

parieto-occipital sulcus

occipital lobe - visual area

lateral sulcus

temporal lobe - auditory area, gustatory and olfactory area


Cerebellum - Cerebellar Cortex


Subcortical Structures

corpus callosum - connects right with left cerebral hemispheres


Brain Stem


pineal gland - involved in circadian rhythms using melatonin

Thalamus - filter and select sensory information

Hypothalamus - site for major autonomic integration

optic chiasm - site of crossing of optic nerves

optic tracts - connections to cerebral cortex

pituitary gland

Midbrain (mesencephalon)

superior colliculi - involved in reflex eye movements

inferior colliculi - involved in reflex head movements toward sounds


cerebellar peduncles - carry signals to and from the brainstem and cerebellum

Medulla oblongata

medullary pyramid - ventrally located, contains pyramidal tracts

nucleus gracilis and cuneatus - termination sites of fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus (general somatic senses)


© David G. Ward, Ph.D.  Last modified by wardd 23 May, 2006