Filtrate and Urine Formation
Glomerular filtration
blood travels through afferent arteriole to glomerulus
water and solute molecules pass through the wall of glomerular capillaries, through glomerular epithelium and into capsular space
Tubular Reabsorption and the Proximal Convoluted Tubule
about 60% of water and 65% of solutes reabsorbed in this region
Osmotic gradient and the Loop of Henle
about 20% of water and 25% of solutes reabsorbed in this region
Tubular Secretion (and Reabsorption) and the Distal Convoluted Tubule
secretion of potassium (and reabsorption of sodium)
via active transport under control of aldosterone
Tubular Reabsorption and Collecting Tubules and Ducts
reabsorption of water
via diffusion under control of vasopressin
© David G. Ward, Ph.D. Last modified by wardd 23 May, 2006