Functions of blood
Composition of blood
Plasma - 55%
Formed elements (blood cells) - 45%
Blood cells
Erythrocytes (Red blood cells)
cytoplasm contains hemoglobin
flattened, no nucleus, mitochondria or ribosomes
transport oxygen and carbon dioxide
Leukocytes (White blood cells)
Neutrophils (57%)
engulf pathogens and debris
Eosinophils (2.4%)
engulfs antibody bound pathogens
Basophils (0.6%)
release histamine
Monocytes (6.5%)
engulf pathogens and debris
enter tissues to become macrophages
Lymphocytes - small (28%)
B-lymphocytes form antibodies
T-lymphocytes attack viruses and invaded cells
Lymphocytes - large (3%)
NK-lymphocytes attack damaged or foreign cells
clump together, activate coagulation
© David G. Ward, Ph.D. Last modified by wardd 23 May, 2006