– FALL 2006 – 

[ Outline

Catalog description: Introduction to the structure and function of the human body; basic terminology, cell biology, and the organ systems.  Designed as a preliminary course for allied health students but open to all students.  One completion allowed. Lecture. (A-F or CR/NC)  General Education: (MJC-GE: A) 3 Units

Instructor David G. Ward, Ph.D.
Office: Modesto Junior College Science building Rm. 230 (not current) Phone: Office 575-6752 (not current)
e-mail: wardd@yosemite.cc.ca.us (not current)  wardd@mjc.edu







11:45 AM - 1:15 PM

4:15 PM - 5:15 PM

11:45 AM - 1:15 PM

4:15 PM - 5:15 PM


Textbooks Required:

Rizzo, D. C. Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, Thompson, 2006. URL

Ward, D. G. Study outlines for AP 50 - Elementary Anatomy and Physiology,
http://virtual.yosemite.cc.ca.us/dward/ (not current)

Course Objectives: Students in this class will:

  1. Use the basic language of anatomy and physiology, as related to body orientation and direction body planes and sections, surface anatomy, body cavities, and homeostatic mechanisms;
  2. Describe the basic structure and function of cells, including metabolism, protein synthesis, signal recognition and membrane transport
  3. Identify and describe the major categories of tissues in the body;
  4. Identify and locate the major organ systems of the body
  5. Describe the basic structure and function of each of the major organ systems;
  6. Describe the basic integrative function of each organ system in relation to the other organ systems;


Grading: Grades are assigned based on points earned in quizzes, laboratory identifications and in a final exam, as follows:

  1. 300 points - best 12 of13 quizzes (25 questions each; 15 points matching format, 10 points identification)
  2. 100 points - final exam (quiz # 14 and comprehensive exam)
  3. grade distribution
  • A: 90 -100% 360 – 400 points
  • B: 80 - 89% 320 – 356
  • C: 70 - 79% 280 – 316
  • D: 60 - 69% 240 – 276
  • F: 00 - 59% 000 – 236

The Academic Senate, has created an academic integrity policy for students. This policy will be a part of the Student Code of Conduct.   


"The grading of a student’s work rests on the fundamental idea that an instructor is evaluating a student’s own work, so cheating or plagiarism demonstrates a failure to complete this most basic requirement of any course.  Thus a faculty member may administer academic consequences for violating the Academic Integrity Policy ranging from partial or no credit on an exam or assignment to an F in the course.


The instructor may also consider that a student’s violation of academic integrity should be a consideration for disciplinary measures, such as suspension or removal from the course or the college."   

Attendance: Students not attending two consecutive classes may be dropped from the course unless arrangements are made in advance. Avoid absences and leaving early.

Cell phones and pagers: Please turn off cell phones and pagers during class.

Suggestions for success:

1.      Get and use the study guide

2.      Study a small amount of material at a time; learn that material thoroughly before moving on to something new.

3.      Establish study groups in and out of class.

4.      Take advantage of the laboratory time.

5.      Draw pictures and diagrams .

6.      Use the computer labs and the internet.

© David G. Ward, Ph.D.  Last modified by wardd 23 May, 2006